Music and memories

Music would have to one the biggest trigger of memories.

We all have some significant music that makes up the soundtrack of our lives.

Most people can hear a particular band or music and are instantly reminded of people or events in their lives.


Jarrod and I got together in highschool. He was in a band and we bonded over our love of music . We both loved Pearl Jam and most 90’s grunge and could listen and talk about it for hours. We still constantly talk about and listen too music.


Then we have particular songs that remind us of people or events in our lives. Like the first song our eldest daughter heard on the way home from the hospital which was Aenima by Tool. We like to think this also shaped her love and impeccable music taste.


Music is a great way to remember those who have passed. Jarrods dad will always be associated with House of the Rising Sun by the animals. Our daughter actually inherited his vinyl with this song on it. It’s her most treasured possession and it sits pride in place on the record cabinet Jarrod made her for her 18th birthday. I’ll always associate Silverchair with my pop, we took a road trip to Canberra together and I played the frog stomp album on cassette over and over it would have been torture for him but we bopped along together and it’s a special memory of him I’ll always treasure.


There’s particular songs from road trips, camping trips nights at home that remind us of great times and great friends. I love when listening to Spotify and a random song that I don’t normally listen to comes on and instantly makes me smile because it reminds me of such times.

Music helps shape great memories. Which is why we like making furniture that can be used for others to create memories with too.


Whiskey sour