Vinyl record storage
jarrod gorman jarrod gorman

Vinyl record storage

Vinyl record storage is an important aspect of owning a record collection. By following the best practices for vinyl record storage, you can protect your investment and enhance your listening experience.

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Getting started with vinyl
jarrod gorman jarrod gorman

Getting started with vinyl

If you’re new to vinyl and are looking to get started, where do you start? There’s no one answer however, we will cover some of our thoughts on getting started and listening.

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Whiskey sour
jarrod gorman jarrod gorman

Whiskey sour

It’s a favourite in this house. It’s a perfect drink to share with friends over dinner.

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Music and memories
jarrod gorman jarrod gorman

Music and memories

Music would have to one the biggest trigger of memories. We all have some significant music that makes up the soundtrack of our lives. Most people can hear a particular band or music and are instantly reminded of people or events in their lives.

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